Bow Wow Wow V's Pretty Girls Make Graves

Bow Wow Wow were formed in London in 1980 when former Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren was asked to manage Adam and the Ants and ended up convincing most of the band to sack Adam and to back McLaren's latest protégée, a 14-year-old Burmese girl whom legend has he discovered singing in a dry cleaners, Annabella Lwin.
Bow Wow Wow’s first release came in the form of the world’s first-ever cassette single. In July 1980, EMI released “C30, C60, C90, Go” only on cassette in the U.K., a driving, Burundi Black drumming-influenced paean to home taping composed by McLaren. The band released 4 albums over 4 years playing a style described as a pastiche of Latin and African beats, 50’s rock-n-roll, and spaghetti western soundtracks.
Bow Wow Wow have reformed briefly on several occasions and are currently playing shows in the US.
Pretty Girls Make Graves formed in Seattle in 2001 from the ashes of several other local bands. Their first release, a self-titled, four-song EP full of bursts of energy and emotion released on Dim Mak created enough interest to land them a spot in Alternative Press' "100 Bands You Need to Know in 2002" list.
Pretty Girls Make Graves released their debut album "The New Romance" in 2003 and are expected to announce the details of their new album on Matador Records imminently.
As always, don't forget to check the links to find more mp3s (especially the Matador Records link which hilights many of the wonderful bands on that label).
Bow Wow Wow - C30 C60 C90, Go
Pretty Girls Make Graves - C30 C60 C90, Go
Forgive the pedantry but just thought I'd let you know that PGMG put out a couple of records before The New Romance - there was a self-titled ep, then an lp titled Good Health (both really good, incidentally, though more hardcore/less 'epic' than TNR)...TNR was their debut on Matador. Can't wait for the new one!
Anyway, have been haunting this blog for a few weeks now - it's tops! Love your work.
oops, i stand corrected.
thanks for the clarification Howard!
check out Howard's blog Extemporanea
Thanks so much for posting both of these!
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